Thursday, August 19, 2010

Almost another week down

Yesterday was a pretty good day for me. So far this week no matter what has come my way I have been pretty happy and not letting anything get me down.

Wednesday Meal Plan:
For Breakfast I had a whole wheat English muffin with peanut butter and some fruit.
Lunch, I had left over chicken breast sandwich on a whole wheat bun...... but my side dish wasn't too good so I didn’t eat it. I brought a bean salad with a homemade dressing that my husband put more than a generous amount of garlic in! (Talk about being paranoid about your breath, I had curry in my chicken sandwich and I swear from just one bite I felt like I ate

an entire garlic clove - Trident is my friend). For dinner we had Tilapia with a vinaigrette you dress it with, organic steamed spinach and some brown rice...... again the meal was very yum... yum but very light!

So far eating more fish has been a great compromise for me and my husband. He was brought up with the thought that a salad alone is not a meal, and a meal is not a meal until you have an entire cow grilling on your BBQ pit. For me I am happy with just eating veggies but I'm learning my body needs a little of all the food groups, but still eating meat every night was not good for my digestive system..... so that's why fish has been working out great so far!
Bill get's to grill and I (and the rest of us) get to reap the benefits of fish. Just hope we keep getting lucky with the good recipes we have been trying.

Once we had dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, I jotted down my calorie intake, got the baby bathed and ready for bed..... I had that moment of I don’t want to work out tonight. So I did the typical "Candice is lazy" thinking:

- It's getting late
- I can make today a rest day
- I can just workout in the morning and the evening tomorrow
- I am really tired, so I probably wouldn't get a good workout
- Do I hear Bill getting into the ice cream?

But then I thought:

- Well you already have your workout clothes on
- You know you are not going to have the time to work out twice
- Quit making excuses
- Girl did you see your butt in the mirror this morning?

Well I ended up on my treadmill, with the intention that I would just do something. No time restraints, even if that meant just 15 minutes..... but really in my head "at 15 minutes I am stopping". So I'm on my treadmill and I am reading a book (7th book in the series) and oh man I got so engaged into this book. It was a real page turner moment for me. I kept so focus on the book and kept increasing my pace. Next thing I know 3 chapters, 50 minutes, and a lot of sweat later I was done. Once I was done I felt so proud, and very thankful that I didn't talk myself out of what I needed to do.

What about you guys? Do you catch yourself trying to talk yourself out of what you know you need to do? When you push yourself do you feel better or worse afterwards?

Hope everyone is having a great week!


  1. I did that this morning at the gym. I desperately wanted to get off of the elliptical but I kept saying to myself, "I love this some, I will wait until it is done". Since I love most of the music on my mp3 player I made it to the end. :) Silly trick but it worked.

  2. Happy to see you back!!

    Sounds like you're doing great!

  3. Your breakfast looks delicious. Looks like something I'd eat. :)

  4. Keep up the good work you are doing great!

  5. The question is do I ever talk myself into it! LOL!

    When I do push myself I feel SO much better - but they are far and few between...

  6. Oh yes... I have an eerily similar conversation with myself quite often!
