Monday, February 7, 2011

Weigh In Mondays

I have always liked making my weigh day on Mondays, mostly because it keeps me more in check for the weekends but also it's a good way to start fresh every week.

I lost a total of 4.6 lbs for my first week back on my routine. I was so excited this morning it was just the confirmation that I needed that hard work does pay-off.

I'm easing my way back into my workouts,but so far I'm feeling strong. I am really going to have to work to get back where I was a few months ago but I know that I can get there once again because I have already accomplished it before.

So onto to other news...... lets talk about what I am eating. I have never had a problem with eating veggies and even some fruit but I have a hard time with eating meat and laying off the carbs.

I realized long ago that I need carbs, but just the right amount and they have to be complex carbs. My favorite are sweet potatoes (well any type of potato will do but I have a tendency to drowned a regular spud with a half of tub of butter and cheese so I stay where I can be safe)

I know my trigger foods and at the risk of sounding like a cheesey cartoon.... knowing is half the battle. It really helps for me to identify where my week points are. I know how to eat in moderation so for these few items I have to plan it out and buy a small quanity or they don't come into the house.

I feel proud when we prepare a healthy well balanced meal, and I notice when we do we also create other good habits like eating at the table and not in front of the tv. We also clean the kitchen up together right after dinner........... I love that one.

Well every one I hope you had a great start to your week too!!!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


It has been several months since I have a last posted. I had some medical problems but am feeling much stronger and ready to get back into the swing of things. I must say the past few months have been very difficult for me and I got very depressed that I could not exercise.

When I go through these times I need to reach out to you guys more than ever. I think I shut down on everything because I'm so tired of cancer trying to rule my life. This past time I really just gave up. I accepted the bad reports from my doctors and let the pain rule me. In turn I hurt myself worse by not caring what food I shoved in my face because I felt helpless.

So as a good friend of mine stated, it's time to restart. In my line of work (IT support) the first thing I ask my customers is, "have you resarted?" Sometimes it's best just to start from the begining, and that is what I plan to do.

Yesterday I did the followBolding:

(2) Egg whites
grapes and slice banana

turkey sausage with whole grain pasta and peas

lean turkey breast on whole wheat bread and cherry tomatoes

Well thats it for now. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!